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Don’t let your insights die on the shelf

When I was young, I decided I wanted a bonsai tree (I’m certain this was influenced by the movie The Karate Kid!) I rode my bike to a garden shop, purchased a bonsai tree, brought it home, and put it on a shelf in my room. I loved the way it looked. I loved the way I felt resting my gaze upon it. I didn’t buy a book on how to care for it, nor any tools for trimming, shaping, or training it. I watered it irregularly, according to when I thought it needed to be watered; not knowing how to read the signs that it was over (or under) watered.

Unsurprisingly, this bonsai tree died. Though I loved the look of it, I wasn’t able to recognize what it needed to stay alive, because I never learned or practiced the techniques needed for the bonsai to thrive. Ultimately, my love of the look of the bonsai wasn’t enough: it needed my full engagement to survive and develop.

Far too often, the situation is similar when it comes to insights and meaningful experiences in life. We have breakthroughs in therapy. We have deep, new experiences in meditation. We glimpse our true selves and the depths of our being within psychedelic medicine journeys. Yet we are unable to transplant and translate these experiences into the soil of our day-to-day life because we are at a loss of how to do so. A passing experience then becomes only that, when actually, it has the potential to root and grow.

Go beyond temporary glimpses

  • Do meditation insights fade away once you get up from the cushion?

  • Do psychedelic journeys reveal truths you can't seem to access afterward?

  • Are you frustrated with a lack of progress in therapy or personal growth work?

I specialize in integrating insights from therapy, meditation, psychedelics, and other mind-expanding practices. My approach is grounded in neuroscience, Buddhist psychology, and a dedication to awakening that lasts beyond peak experiences.

Schedule a free chat to learn more about integration to support your experience. The path to change is challenging, but you don't have to walk it alone. I'll provide the guidance, tools, and support you need to achieve real and sustainable well-being.

Nurture your growth

I base my coaching approach on current research on human well-being. The Plasticity of Well-Being is a framework developed by UW-Madison's Center for Healthy Minds, which describes four dimensions of well-being that you can develop like skills: Awareness, Connection, Insight, and Purpose. To promote lasting personal growth, I also use a process-oriented method guiding individuals through progressive stages called Settling, Seeing, Growing, and Integrating.

Within those stages, I utilize various trauma-informed techniques drawn from my training in meditation, Internal Family Systems, Compassionate Inquiry, Buddhist psychology, embodied immediacy, and nature immersion to help you overcome unhealthy patterns and find resilience, growth, and lasting well-being. 

Dave DuBois

The heart of my coaching practice is rooted in a deep confidence in human wholeness. I can help you access intrinsic healing intelligence in many ways. I would be honored to guide and accompany you on your unique path to wholeness.